Still from Sydämestä (From the Heart). Cinematographer: Iris Kärkkäinen.
Sydämestä (From the Heart, 2021)
Video 14:14, 4K/HD, 16:9, single channel
Inside a sleeping human, Toxoplasma Gondii takes contact. The parasite tells stories about its journey to the heart and a fatal encounter with a fetus. Toxoplasma gets excited when the human wakes and starts moving. Its life is one tour of intimacy. The human has dreams about moments with a baby, but the parasite has incorporated into her for a lifetime.
Content information: miscarriage.
Toxoplasma Gondii – Eija Vilpas
Human – Camille Auer
Written, directed and edited by Anni Puolakka
Cinematography and lighting by Iris Kärkkäinen
Sound by Miša Skalskis
Scientific support: Pikka Jokelainen (zoonotic parasitology)
Sound recording by Johannes Birlinger and Miša Skalskis
Colour grading by Hannu Käki
Supported by AVEK, Kone Foundation and CBK Rotterdam
Originally commissioned by Jyväskylä Art Museum for the exhibition Matkalla maan keskipisteeseen. The video has also been shown at Tampere Film Festival, Finland. Description of the work written with Saara Hannus.
Sydämestä (From the Heart), exhibition view, Matkalla maan keskipisteeseen at Jyväskylä Art Museum, Finland. Photo: Hannu-Pekka Auraneva.
Still from Sydämestä (From the Heart). Cinematographer: Iris Kärkkäinen.
Still from Sydämestä (From the Heart). Cinematographer: Iris Kärkkäinen.