I'm Your Man, 2015
Sculpture with tree branches, fake hair, electronics, textile, sports equipment
Sculpture as a response to a curator whose group show was based on sexual or romantic desire for the five artists. In her words: "I want to make an exhibition with you. I want to show your works and you. Do curators always want this? That the artists and their works are trophy wives that the curator can proudly present as her own? You are not mine, nobody is. I am a lover, whose desire is opening up and reaching out, not owning. I want to desire exactly what you want to give me. Give me something, anything."
The work was commissioned by curator Saara Hannus as part of Mä haluan sut (I want you) group exhibition at Exhibition Laboratory, Helsinki, with Jesse Darling, Mira Kautto, Anni Puolakka, Jaana Ristola and Emmi Venna.